Strength Training

Lunge exercise: Magic to stronger legs and better fitness

woman doing lunge exercise

Article updated April 30th, 2024; article originally posted April 26th, 2024.

Lunges are a versatile strength training exercise with numerous benefits, from enhancing muscle tone to improving balance. This guide will cover everything from the basics of performing a lunge to incorporating them into a comprehensive fitness routine.

What is lunge exercise?

Lunge is a popular freehand exercise that primarily targets all the major muscle groups of your lower body.

Additionally, it can be performed in numerous variations depends on different fitness levels.

Benefits of lunge exercise

Performing lunges regularly can increase muscular strength and power, decrease risk of injury, lead to better balance and increased flexibility. A study in the Journal of Isokenetic and Exercise Science also found that it activates the gluteus maximus muscles more than back squats.

Strengthen lower-body muscles

Lunge exercise can effectively stimulate key muscle groups used in daily life, including the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Increasing the strength in your lower body can help enhance your athletic performance, prevent injuries, improve posture, and boost metabolism.

Gluteal muscles activation 

The gluteus muscle is often overlooked during regular workouts. However, strengthening the glutes can reduce lower back pain, enhance power output and increase speed for running. Walking lunges are an excellent exercise for targeting this muscle group.

Weight loss 

Lunge exercises are great for weight loss because they work several large muscle groups at once, boosting calorie burn. This exercise also increases muscle mass, which can speed up your metabolism. Regularly including lunges in your routine can significantly contribute to overall fat reduction.

Increase balance and stability

Unlike squats, lunges are a unilateral exercise, meaning your feet aren’t in line with each other. This requires more effort from your core muscles, including abdomen and back, to maintain an upright position and balance. Enhancing core stability can help reduce back pain and increase flexibility and coordination.

Increase flexibility

When you lunge forward, backward, or to the side, you stretch your hip flexor muscles which is particularly beneficial for people who sit at a desk for long periods or lack regular exercise.

As sitting for a long time can cause the hip joints to remain bent and the hip muscles to shorten, potentially leading to stiffness or tightness in the hips.

Improving hip mobility can help reduce joint stress, prevent arthritis, and enhance your walking and running efficiency.

How to perform a basic forward lunge?

Doing forward lunges is a great way for people of all fitness levels to start strength training.

Similar to squats, all you need is a bit of space and a pair of comfortable sports shoes. You can also do them barefooted as long as you don’t slip.

It would be great to have a mirror to view your posture, as it helps you improve your lunge technique.

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart.
  2. Step forward with one foot, bending both knees to lower your body. Avoid common mistakes like extending the knee past the toes. Ensure both knees reach a 90-degree angle. You may step forward with arms akimbo to maintain balance.
  3. As you lunge forward, focus more on dropping your hips towards the floor rather than leaning it forward. Continue lowering your body until your front thigh becomes parallel with the floor.
  4. Push off with your front leg to return to the starting position.

Even if you are experienced, you can still check your form and then consider adding weights, adjust the intensity, do more reps and sets, then incorporating different variations to enhance the difficulty. Of course, you can include lunges after squatting to increase the intensity of your workout.

What are some basic variations of lunge exercise?

There are several variations of lunges, each offering its own benefits:

  • Static lunges: Performed in place, great for beginners.
  • Walking lunges: Involves stepping forward continuously, increasing cardiovascular exertion.
  • Side lunges: Focuses more on the inner and outer thighs.

What are some advanced variations of lunge exercise?

For those who want to challenge themselves, try:

  • Dynamic lunges: Include jumps between lunges to increase intensity.
  • Lunge combos: Mix different lunge variations in one workout.
  • Weighted lunges: Using dumbbells or resistance bands can enhance the effectiveness of lunges by adding resistance, thus promoting muscle growth.

Incorporating lunges into your workout routine

Beginners should focus on mastering the form with static lunges first. Start with 8-10 lunges per leg, gradually increasing the number as they build strength. The key is to perform high-quality movements under your own body weight, which means slowing down the motion and maintaining stable control of your body.

Advanced exercisers can try dynamic or weighted variations and include lunges in a circuit training session or as part of a leg day routine.

Safety tips of lunge exercise

Lunge can be super easy but can also be dangerous once you add in weight or perform certain variation.

  1. Don’t lunge on a soft mat; instead, do it on a hard surface.
  2. Always warm up before lunging to prepare your muscles and prevent injuries.
  3. Focus on maintaining good posture throughout the exercise and engage your core to stabilize your body.
  4. If you can’t lower your knee to a 90-degree angle, simply go as low as you can or find something to support.

Common mistakes of lunge exercise

Although lunge is simple, there are many common mistakes and precautions to be aware of. Incorrect posture not only reduces the effectiveness of the exercise but can also cause serious damage to the knee joints. Therefore, it’s crucial to pay attention to your form while performing lunges and develop the right habits.

  1. Make sure that your knee doesn’t go beyond your toes, which can strain the knees.
  2. Make sure that your back remains straight, not arched, hunched, rounding your shoulders, or shrugging. Keep your eyes naturally looking forward and avoid keeping your head up or down.
  1. Don’t let your front knee roll inward. It can cause body imbalance and discomfort in the knee.
  1. Don’t let your back knee roll outward. It can compromise flexibility in the back leg and add to an unstable position.
  1. The back knee should not touch the ground as it reduces the effectiveness of the exercise on the front leg muscles.
  2. Keep your weight centered over your front foot and avoid leaning too far forward or backward, otherwise, it will cause a lot of pressure on your back knee. Around 70-75% weight on the front leg, and 20-25% on the back leg is ideal.
  3. Extension of rear toe is important to perform the perfect lunge.
important tip of lunge exercise

Myth about lunge exercise

Contrary to some beliefs, lunges are not detrimental to the knees when performed correctly. They can actually strengthen the muscles around the knees, providing more support.


Lunges are a powerful method for anyone looking to enhance their physical fitness. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced exerciser, you can adjust the pace, direction, and intensity of your lunges to meet your particular needs. Incorporating lunges into your routine can lead to significant benefits.


Q. How often should I do lunges?

Aim for 2-3 times per week as part of a balanced workout regimen.

Q. How many lunges should I do on leg day?

Do as many repetitions as you can, depending on your fitness level. Stop when you’re fatigued or your form begins to suffer.

Q. What are the best surfaces for performing lunges?

Use a flat, non-slip surface to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Q. Can lunges replace other forms of leg workouts?

While lunges are effective, they should be used in conjunction with other exercises for comprehensive leg development.

Q. Are lunges good for losing weight?

Combined with a proper diet and other physical activities, lunges can help in weight loss by building muscle and improving metabolism.

Q. Can lunges cause knee pain?

If performed incorrectly, lunges can lead to knee strain. Ensure proper form and consult with a fitness professional if you experience pain.


About Stacy

Stacy was a certified personal trainer and became the editor and digital content producer at VSG Fitness in 2022. Outside of the office, you can find her traveling to new areas, indulging in food, or participating in any sports.

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