Rowing Machine

Is a Rowing Machine a Good Workout? Find Out the Truth

Is a Rowing Machine a Good Workout

When it comes to selecting the best workout equipment, many fitness enthusiasts find themselves asking, “Is a rowing machine a good workout?” The short answer is a resounding yes.

Rowing machines, also known as ergometers or ergs, offer a full-body workout that targets various muscle groups, improves cardiovascular health, and aids in weight loss. Let’s delve into the reasons why incorporating a rowing machine into your fitness routine is a smart choice.

Full-Body Workout

rowing machine action breakdown

One of the standout benefits of a rowing machine is its ability to engage nearly every muscle group in your body. From your legs and core to your back and arms, rowing involves a comprehensive range of motion that promotes muscle activation and growth. As you push with your legs, pull with your arms, and stabilize with your core, you’re ensuring a balanced workout that enhances both strength and endurance.

Cardiovascular Health

Rowing is an excellent cardiovascular exercise. It elevates your heart rate, improves lung capacity, and enhances overall cardiovascular endurance. Regular use of a rowing machine can lead to improved heart health, reduced risk of heart disease, and better overall stamina. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking to improve their cardiovascular fitness while also gaining strength.

Low-Impact Exercise

For individuals with joint concerns or those recovering from injuries, rowing offers a low-impact alternative to high-impact exercises like running or jumping. The smooth, gliding motion of rowing minimizes stress on your joints while still providing an effective workout. This makes it suitable for people of all fitness levels, including beginners and seniors.

Weight Loss and Calorie Burn

exercise and calories burned bar chart

Incorporating a rowing machine into your workout regimen can significantly aid in weight loss. Rowing is a high-calorie-burning exercise, with estimates suggesting that an hour of vigorous rowing can burn up to 600 calories or more, depending on your intensity and body weight. This makes it an efficient way to shed excess pounds and achieve your fitness goals.

Mental Health Benefits

Exercise, in general, is known to boost mental health, and rowing is no exception. The rhythmic, repetitive nature of rowing can be meditative, reducing stress and anxiety levels. Additionally, the endorphins released during exercise can enhance your mood, providing a natural boost to your overall well-being.

Versatility and Convenience

foldable water rowing machine

Rowing machines are incredibly versatile and can be used in various ways to target different fitness goals. This article published by Human Performance and Health in Sport and Exercise in 2024 stated whether you’re aiming for high-intensity interval training (HIIT), steady-state cardio, or strength conditioning, a rowing machine can adapt to your needs. Moreover, many rowing machines are compact and foldable, making them convenient for home use without requiring a large space.


So, is a rowing machine a good workout? Absolutely. Its ability to provide a full-body, low-impact workout that improves cardiovascular health, aids in weight loss, and offers mental health benefits makes it a valuable addition to any fitness routine. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a fitness novice, a rowing machine can help you achieve your health and fitness goals efficiently and effectively.


Is a rowing machine good for weight loss?

Yes, a rowing machine is excellent for weight loss. It burns a significant number of calories, with estimates suggesting up to 600 calories per hour depending on the intensity of the workout. Regular rowing sessions combined with a healthy diet can effectively help in weight loss.

How often should I use a rowing machine?

The frequency of using a rowing machine depends on your fitness goals and current level of fitness. For general fitness, 3-4 times a week for 20-30 minutes per session is a good starting point. For more advanced fitness goals, you may increase the frequency and duration as your stamina and strength improve.

Can beginners use a rowing machine?

Absolutely, beginners can use a rowing machine. It’s user-friendly and adjustable to different fitness levels. Starting with proper form and technique is crucial to prevent injuries and maximize the effectiveness of the workout. Many rowing machines come with preset programs that can help beginners get started.

Is a rowing machine good for cardio?

Yes, a rowing machine is excellent for cardiovascular fitness. It elevates your heart rate and improves lung capacity, which enhances overall cardiovascular endurance. Regular rowing sessions can lead to better heart health and increased stamina.

Can I use a rowing machine if I have back problems?

If you have back problems, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen. With proper form and technique, rowing can strengthen the muscles supporting your back, but incorrect form can exacerbate back issues. It’s essential to start slowly and focus on maintaining good posture throughout the workout.


About Stacy

Stacy was a certified personal trainer and became the editor and digital content producer at VSG Fitness in 2022. Outside of the office, you can find her traveling to new areas, indulging in food, or participating in any sports.

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